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Loveland Softball Association



Loveland Softball Association

Article I: Purpose, Meetings, Voting and Dissolution

Section 1 - This Corporation is organized exclusively for charitable and educational purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Section 2 - Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, the corporation shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by a corporation exempt from Federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law) or (b) by a corporation contributions to which are deductible under section 170(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law).

Section 3 - The LSA Board will hold a minimum of ten (10) meetings per year. There must be five members in attendance in order to conduct any type of official business.

Section 4 - Any Board member may be removed from office by a two-thirds majority vote of the LSA Board. In the event of removal, resignation or death of any Board Member, an election will be held for the replacement of that individual(s). The President may appoint an interim Board Member to the vacated position until a replacement election is held by the Board. The Board shall decide when the replacement election will be held.

Section 5 - Financial meetings may be called by the President or Treasurer as necessary for the purpose of reviewing and paying financial obligations

Section 6 - Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern LSA meetings and association committees in all cases in which they are applicable.

Section 7 - Upon the winding up and dissolution of this corporation, after paying or adequately providing for the debts and obligations of the corporation, the remaining assets shall be distributed to a nonprofit fund, foundation, or corporation which is organized and operated exclusively for charitable, education, religious and/or scientific purposes and which has established its tax exempt status under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Article II: Board Members

The officers of LSA shall consist of an elected Board composed of the following:

• President
• Vice President
• Secretary
• Treasurer
• League Directors (2)
• Equipment Director
• Field/Umpire Director
• Training Director

All board members have voting privileges

Article III: Election of Officers

Volunteers/nominees are eligible for LSA Board positions if they have attended five (5) or more board meetings. Candidates must volunteer themselves or be nominated at the board meeting held prior to the election. Election dates are described below.

• Nominations to be made at the July Executive Board meeting
• Elections to be held at the August Executive Board meeting

Terms: The term(s) will be two (2) years for the President, Vice President, and Treasurer, one (1) year for the remaining positions: Secretary, Association Director, Equipment Director, Field/Umpire Director and Training Director

Article IV: Duties of Board Members

Section 1: President

o Establish and preside over regular meetings of the LSA
o Assign committees and appoint chair-people to accomplish tasks of said committee
o Support all aspects of the LSA to the degree necessary for goals to be accomplished
o Work with director in procuring and selecting equipment
o Act as spokesperson for the LSA in connection with other groups and citizens
o Act as liaison to Legal and Financial Advisors
o Responsible for, along with the LSA Board Members:

• Marketing
• Budget
• All Softball Operations
• Legal Affairs
• Record Keeping and Correspondence
• Financial Affairs
• Long range planning and direction of LSA

Section 2: Vice President

o Preside over regular meetings of the LSA in the absence of the President
o Chair grievance hearings that arise in each Organization
o Assist when necessary, the President in carrying out LSA policies and procedures
o Report to the LSA on the status of all leagues; requests for equipment, fields and umpires, etc.
o Oversee all aspects of softball operations:
• Girls League
o Recreational with A & B Divisions
o Possible Travel Team
• Umpire Coordinator
• Field Coordinator

Section 3: Secretary

o Preside over regular meetings of the LSA in the absence of President and Vice President
o Record the minutes of all meetings, preserving them, and making them available for review
o Record all correspondence relating to the organization and retaining copies of same
o Participate on the Executive Board and record its minutes
o Will keep track of member attendance and maintain a list of members eligible to vote

Section 4: Treasurer

o Disburse funds as authorized by the LSA

• 2/3 majority vote of the LSA Board will be considered
authorization to make disbursements of $150.00 or more

o Collect and deposit funds from registration, sponsorship, and any fund raisers
o Oversee the deposit of funds from all other revenue sources
o Maintain current balance sheet showing itemized receipts and disbursements by account type
o Prepare annual financial report showing total receipts and disbursements by account type
o Advise executive committee and budget director of any anticipated excess or shortage of funds
o Review invoices for correctness
o Coordinate with umpire coordinator to assure receipt of all proper documentation for umpire pay
o Post statements to ledger – monthly
o Refuse to issue blank or unnamed party checks
o Refuse to issue checks without sufficient funds to cover them
o Provide all relevant documents for the legal and accounting firms

Section 5: League Directors (2)

Each League Director must administer, preserve and uphold the LSA constitution, by-laws and playing rules as set forth by LSA, USSSA and SOGFSA. In addition to the following:

• Chair Association committee meetings
• Assignment of players
• Contacting Managers and Coaches
• Schedule Association games
• Distribute rules of conduct and behavior policy to all coaches and managers

Playing Season
• Chair Association committee meetings
• Chair Association managers and coaches meetings
• Supervise managers and oversee play
• Maintain Association records and team standings
• Present and grievances to LSA President
• Report game scores to local media and webmaster

Post Season
• Prepare post season evaluation of Association managers and coaches
• Coordinate and collect player evaluations from each manager, where appropriate
• Prepare a critique of the past season, including a brief summary of Association play, any problems, recommendations and/or criticisms
• Future planning – report to LSA any equipment needs and/or playing fields for the next season

Section 6: Equipment Director

Pre Season
• Supervise and coordinate the distribution of equipment to each team

Post Season
• Collect and inventory returned equipment
• Advise Association Director of any equipment needed for the next season

Section 7: Field/Umpire Director


Pre Season
• Coordinate availability of playing fields
• Report to Association Director any improvements needed to existing fields

Playing Season
• Coordinate field availability for inclement weather
• Inform affected Managers and Umpire Director
• Coordinate timely rescheduling of make-up games

Post Season
• Visit fields and advise Association Director of any playing field requirements for the next season


Pre Season
• Coordinate & Schedule umpire recruitment and registration.
• Organize, schedule, and conduct umpire instructional meeting and clinics for various leagues.
• Working with Director of Equipment to inventory, order, or replace equipment as needed.
• Arrange for distribution of equipment to the umpires
• Obtain correct and complete IRS Form W-9 and any other forms for necessary from umpire candidates (Note Name on W-9 Must be EXACTLY as listed on applicants Social Security Card)
• Obtain and approve invoices from outside umpire associations under contract to LSA and forward them to the Treasurer for payment.

Playing Season
• Coordinate and schedule umpires for Association games with Association Directors.
• Supervise umpires.
• Inform umpires when games are changed/cancelled due to inclement weather or other.
• Assist Association Director in administering any grievances or protests.
• Organizing, scheduling, and holding a mid-season umpire meeting for all leagues, if necessary, to assess the first half of the season
• Maintain individual Association umpire payroll records, approve and submit same to Treasurer.
• Disburse payment to umpires.

Post Season
• Collect all umpire equipment and turning it into Director of Equipment
• Prepare post season evaluation report with critique of the past season, including any problems encountered, and recommendations and/or criticisms, and submit to the appropriate League Director.

Each umpire must administer, preserve and uphold the LSA constitution, by-laws and playing rules as set forth by the LSA, USSSA and SOGFSA.

Section 8: Training Director

Pre Season
• Organize, coordinate, and supervise player and coach clinics
• Manage the coach certification process
• Provide leadership for clinics as needed
• Collect, review, and document participant statistics and feedback

Post Season
• Create the training plan for the following season
• Implement fall clinics and programs

Article V: Membership

Section 1: Membership is parents/guardians, managers, coaches, officers, directors, committee persons, sponsors, contributors or anyone else who wants to be involved with the association. However, in order to have the right to vote for LSA Board Members, said person(s) will need to have attended five (5) meetings or more within the calendar year

Article VI: Amendments

The by-laws of LSA may be amended with a 2/3 majority vote of the LSA Executive Board. If it is in the best interest of the Association, any board member may request a meeting at anytime to propose changes to the by-laws.

Article VII: Equipment/Uniforms

Appropriate equipment and uniforms will be determined by the LSA organization

Article VIII: Player Eligibility

Eligibility will include any girl living within the Loveland School District. This includes the parochial schools within the district. The LSA will only accept players from other districts if there are openings and/or there is no program available in their respective districts. They will be required to obtain a written release from their respective district stating their release as specified by the current USSSA and SOGFSA rules.

LSA will keep open the option for “Travel Teams”, as defined in the SOGFSA guidelines, to compete/play under the LSA, which will also follow the current USSSA and SOGFSA rules.

Article IX: Association Ages

As specified by the current USSSA and SOGFSA rules

Article X: Dues and Fees

To be reviewed and determined by the LSA Board annually

Article XI: Manager/Coach Selection

Section 1: All prospective managers, coaches and assistant coaches are required to complete an application and are subject to board approval. In addition to the application, a background check may also be performed.

Section 2: Head coaches will be appointed by the LSA Board and selected by application as well as an interviewing process. Interviews of all applicants for head coaching positions will be conducted by a committee made up of the LSA Board and other people appointed by the Board. After all applicants have been interviewed, the Board and appointed committee will vote in a closed session and afterwards make the appointments.

Section 3: Each head coach will be responsible for nominating their own staff

Section 4: Head Coach will be responsible for maintaining their team’s paperwork and medical release forms.

Section 5: All coaches will be responsible for their fans actions. If a fan will not leave upon request, the police can be called to remove the person.

Section 6: Head coach can discipline any member of their team for violation of team rules. However, any action must be reported to the Executive Board.

Section 7: Each head coach will be responsible for the collection of equipment at the end of the season and will work closely with the Equipment and Supplies Manager to coordinate time to place the equipment back into inventory.

Section 8: No coach, assistant, or representative will use any alcohol or tobacco products while participating in any LSA event.

Section 9: Each coach will appoint a parent team representative to assist in representing their team at membership meetings and to help inform parents on his/her team any necessary LSA information.

Section 10: Either the head coach, assistant coach or team representative are required to attend monthly membership meetings.

Section 11: Head coach, assistant coach or team representative shall take any team or parent complaints and report to Executive Board for any necessary action

Section 12: Head coach shall work with other softball coaches and Executive Board in setting requirements for team discipline, team size and equipment standards

Section13: All coaches and/or team representative are required to read and abide by all LSA by-laws and the Coaches Code of Ethics and current USSSA and SOGFSA rules and guidelines

LSA Coaches Code of Ethics

Coaches will place the emotional and physical well being of the players ahead of any personal desire to win

Coaches will remember to treat each player as an individual, remembering the large spread of emotional and physical developments for the same age group

Coaches will do their best to provide a safe playing situation for his/her players

Coaches will review and practice the necessary first-aid principles needed to treat injuries of his players

Coaches will do their best to organize practices that are fun and challenging for all players.

Coaches will lead by example, in demonstrating fair play and sportsmanship to all players

Coaches will insure that they are knowledgeable in the rules of fast pitch softball and will teach these rules to the players

Coaches will use coaching techniques appropriate for each of the skills that he/she might teach

Coaches will remember that they are youth coaches, and that the game is for children, not adults

Coaches will make every effort to have all players participate in games and practices, keeping in mind safety, competitiveness and quality of playing time

Article XII: Expenses

Section 1: Single unit expenses over $150.00 will be voted on by a majority of the Board

Section 2: All routine expenditures must be approved by the Board and voted upon and reflect a majority of the members of the board. Routine expenditures are defined as any necessary purchases for LSA.

Article XIII: Affiliations

LSA is partnered with LYDS (Loveland Youth Diamond Sports), as it pertains to field and equipment procurement and maintenance or anything else that would benefit both organizations to share.

Article XIV: Committees

LSA Board can form, approve and or assign committees as needed.

Article XV: Scholarship Fund

Funding for this award will be accomplished through the following means:
• Direct contribution to the account through donations.
• 10% of all fundraising activities and sponsorships will be contributed to the fund.

Criteria for this award and award amount to be determined through the following:
• Applicant must have played for LSA at some point of time
• Must be a Senior residing in the Loveland School District
• Must have a seven term G.P.A. of 2.75 or higher
• Applicant must write an essay detailing what participation in a team sport (L.S.A.) has meant to her.
• Independent not comprising LSA board will judge and award the winning applicant.

Article XVI: Restricted Reserve

The Board shall retain each year out of the LSA revenue as a “restricted reserve “up to a maximum of 20% of all registration fee revenue earned by the Association during such period for the specific purpose of dealing with Association emergencies, as it is determined solely by a majority of the Board present at a duly called and noticed meeting. Any such amounts so retained must be kept in a separate Restricted Reserve account controlled by the Association.
The balances of this Restricted Reserve account con not exceed 50% of the previous year’s budgeted expenses.

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